Denali Molligoda-Liyanage
Denali Molligoda-Liyanage 2024 Senior Spotlight Denali Molligoda-Liyanage What advice do you wish you could known at the start of your Stanford OHS journey? Take it easy on yourself! You can't always be perfect, but your best is more than enough. What was your favorite Stanford OHS course and why? My favorite OHS course has to be CRA. This course has given me the opportunity to explore new views on life, religion, and morals. It's truly been one of the most interesting and eye-opening classes I've ever taken. In 10 years, I hope: To have my master's degree, work hands-on in a lab or with an LGBTQ+ focused organization, and live in a costal town by some close friends :) 2024 Stanford OHS Senior: Denali Molligoda-Liyanage csnapp Fri, 04/17/2020 - 09:20 Print Page

Denali Molligoda-Liyanage
What advice do you wish you could known at the start of your Stanford OHS journey? What was your favorite Stanford OHS course and why? In 10 years, I hope: |
2024 Stanford OHS Senior: Denali Molligoda-Liyanage |
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