Mattia Worster
Mattia Worster 2024 Senior Spotlight Mattia Worster What is your favorite/best Stanford OHS memory? Probably the Santa Cruz boardwalk experience last S@S. I attended S@S both in 2022 and 2023, and the best part was being able to spend time and have fun with friends I hadn't seen in forever, IF ever. I hadn't been to an amusement park since before COVID, and being able to ride a century-old rollercoaster, drop from multiple hundred feet, and more, with my OHS friends, just made it twice the fun. What was your favorite Stanford OHS course and why? All of them. Okay, that's not entirely true, but- seriously, almost all of my courses have been amazing in the new and in-depth ways they approach their subjects. I came to OHS for excellent academics, and OHS did not disappoint. 2024 Stanford OHS Senior: Mattia Worster csnapp Fri, 04/17/2020 - 09:20 Print Page

Mattia Worster
What is your favorite/best Stanford OHS memory? What was your favorite Stanford OHS course and why?
2024 Stanford OHS Senior: Mattia Worster |
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